Density correlation pattern
Theoretical image of the density correlation pattern in a flowing Bose-Einstein condensate displaying a sonic black hole horizon emitting phonons by analog Hawking emission.
From Carusotto et al., NJP 10 103001 (2008)
Luminescence spectrum from a photon
Luminescence spectrum from a photon/polariton condensate in a planar cavity. From Chiocchetta, Carusotto, PRA 90, 023633 (2014)
Rate of emitted photons as a function of the modulation frequency
Top panel: rate of emitted photons as a function of the modulation frequency. Bottom panels: the spectral density (arb. units) for the processes A, B, C, respectively.
From De Liberato, Carusotto, Ciuti, PRL 98, 103602 (2007)
Sketch for the generation of correlated photon pairs
Sketch of a possible setup for the generation of correlated photon pairs in the intersubband cavity system. The vacuum Rabi frequency of the intersubband cavity system can be modulated through an electric gate, which changes the density of the two-dimensional electron gas or, alternatively, the dipole moment of the intersubband transition. A modulation of the bias is expected to induce the emission of correlated photon pairs with opposite inplane wave vectors.
From Ciuti, Bastard, Carusotto, PRB 72, 115303 (2005)