The MIR-BOSE consortium organized a workshop on September 17, 2019. This workshop consisted of a focused Session on Polaritonics and Strong-Coupling Phenomena planned during the conference ITQW 2019 (Infrared Terahertz Quantum Workshop 2019).
The focused session brought together researchers working on various issues related to polaritons and strong-coupling phenomena in the infrared and terahertz ranges to spark cross-fertilization and collaboration. It included an invited tutorial talk providing an introduction to students and researchers new to the field. The Session was made up of a small number of invited talks (30 minutes), and several contributed talks (15-20 minutes).

Schedule of the session
08:30 When light is more than a perturbation: what are intersubband polaritons? And how can we use them? (Tutorial) – Alessandro Tredicucci
09:15 Near-filed Spectroscopy of Intersubband Polaritons in the Single Nanoantenna Regime – Chih-Feng Wang, Terefe Habteyes, Ting Shan Luk, John Klem, Hou-Tong Chen, Oleg Mitrofanov and Igal Brener
09:35 Ultra-strong light-matter coupling and perfect absorption with three-dimensional THz metamaterial – Mathieu Jeannin, Djamal Gacemi, Angela Vasanelli, Lianhe Li, Edmund Linfield, Carlo Sirtori and Yanko Todorov
09:55 Terahertz saturable absorber mirrors based on intersubband polaritons – Francesco Paolo Mezzapesa, Juergen Raab, Christoph Lange, Leonardo Viti, Lianhe Li, Giles Davies, Edmund Linfield, Rupert Huber and Miriam Serena Vitiello
10:10 Strong Light-Matter Interaction and Extreme Nonlinearities in Hybrid Dielectric Metasurfaces – Raktim Sarma, Nishant Nookala, Domenico de Ceglia, Luca Carletti, John Klem, Mikhail Belkin and Igal Brener
10:50 Subcycle dynamics of ultrastrongly light-matter coupled structures (Invited) – Christoph Lange, Joshua Mornhinweg, Maike Halbhuber, Andreas Bayer, Dominique Bougeard and Rupert Huber
11:20 Vacuum field controlled magnetotransport and upper branch broadening in Landau polaritons – Giacomo Scalari, Gianlorenzo Paravicini-Bagliani, Shima Rajabali, Felice Appugliese, Johan Andberger, Janine Keller, Nicola Bartolo, Crisitiano Ciuti, Thomas Ihn, Klaus Ensslin, Mattias Beck and Jerome Faist
11:40 Cavity-mediated bound excitons – Erika Cortese, Ngoc-Linh Tran, Jean-Michel Manceau, Giorgio Biasiol, Iacopo Carusotto, Raffaele Colombelli and Simone De Liberato
12:00 Dark vertical conductance of cavity-embedded semiconductor heterostructures – Cassia Naudet-Baulieu, Nicola Bartolo, Giuliano Orso and Cristiano Ciuti
14:00 Intersubband polaritons: new perspectives towards Bose-Einstein condensation, quantum fluids of light, and quantum optics (Invited) – Iacopo Carusotto
14:30 Controlling the Infrared Dielectric Function through Atomic-Scale Heterostructures – Christopher J. Winta et al
14:50 Quantum well infrared detectors in the strong light-matter coupling regime – Raffaele Colombelli
15:10 A generalized Gross-Pitaevskii model for intersubband polariton lasing – Jacopo Nespolo and Iacopo Carusotto
15:25 Time resolved spectroscopy of THz intersubband polaritons at small k vector – Jacques Hawecker, Pierre Baptiste Vigneron, Jean-Michel Manceau, Juliette Mangeney, Jérome Tignon, Lianhe Li, Edmund Linfield, Giles Davies, Rafaelle Colombelli and Sukhdeep Dhillon
15:40 Room temperature THz intersubband transitions in continuously-graded AlGaAs parabolic quantum wells – Chris Deimert, Paul Goulain, Jean-Michel Manceau, Adel Bousseksou, Wojciech Pasek, Taehyun Yoon, Na Young Kim, Raffaele Colombelli and Zbigniew Wasilewski