Propagation of intense optical wavepackets

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Controlling the propagation of intense optical wavepackets in transparent media is not a trivial task. During propagation, low- and high-order non-linear effects, including the Kerr effect, multiphoton absorption and ionization, lead to an uncontrolled complex reshaping of the optical wavepacket …

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Laser-plasma based THz emitters

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Laser-plasma based THz emitters offer broad radiation bandwidth, high output pulse energy and immunity to high power damage. Various excitation wavelengths and gases were explored to seek for a stronger THz wave emission from laser-induced plasmas, whereas few attempts were made for this purpose with artificially modulated exotic wave packets. 

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Extreme localization of light

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Extreme localization of light using tightly focused ultrashort laser pulses is of fundamental importance for numerous applications, including laser micro- nano-machining of materials, studies of warm dense matter, the observation of exciting new material states and secondary sources (like THz) at the micro- nano-scale. Simulations though of such extreme systems proved …

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