FET-OPEN funded post-doctoral researcher position (closed)
Trento (Italy) l INO-CNR BEC Center l funded by FET-OPEN program l Contact: Dr. Iacopo Carusotto l E-mail: iacopo.carusotto(at)unitn.it
Subject: « Many-body theory of Bose-Einstein condensates of intersubband polaritons for optoelectronic application in the Mid- and Far-Infrared » and « Quantum Optics with intersubband polaritons for optoelectronic application in the Mid- and Far-Infrared. »
Diploma di laurea in Fisica conseguito secondo la normativa in vigore anteriormente al D.M. 509/99, oppure la Laurea Specialistica/Magistrale (D.M. 5 maggio 2004) e titolo di dottore di ricerca in Fisica di durata minima triennale
FET-OPEN funded post-doctoral researcher position
Orsay (France) l Centre for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, CNRS – Univ. Paris Sud and CNRS l Salary: starting from 50 k€/year l funded by FET-OPEN program l Contact: Dr. Raffaele Colombelli l E-mail: raffaele.colombelli(at)u-psud.fr
Subject: « Optically pumped intersubband polariton lasers »
We are seeking an energetic individual with strong academic record and experience in semiconductor physics, optical physics and optically pumped devices/systems. She/he will have completed a PhD program in Physics, Optics or Engineering…